Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What can we do about the environment?

Environment and climate change are one of those topics that are popular in the exams, so it's necessary to have a look at them. Also, it's never late to become aware of environmental problems to try to be greener 😉

Mind maps such as the the ones below are helpful to study and revise vocabulary, and also to make our ideas clear. Those were made by you, and here they are for you to keep them. 

By the way, thank you for your work!

Future tenses

Having revised the most basic tenses to express the future, it's necessary to know about the future continuous and future perfect. Make sure you revise the material uploaded and solve any doubts with me anytime.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Monologues for the December test

As you know, on Monday 12th we'll start with the tests until Wednesday 21st. Every one of these days we'll have appointments for the speaking part, which will deal with the monologues this time. Although I've scheduled the appointments so you can come in pairs, the task is not meant to be a dialogue. You will prepare your own monologue at the same time, but the tasks are individually done.

For you to prepare, here you have the Monologues for December.

You'll see that Monologue 6 is about crime, but as we haven't covered this topic yet, we can ignore it, so this one won't appear on the exam.

You can check your appointment in this same post. I'll keep updating it if any changes are made.

Remember that we won't stop classes. You all have to be punctual at school at 5.30, when the speaking tasks are finished, to take the other parts of the exam and carry on with the lessons. Please, if you're coming for the speaking part, try to be there on time so as not to delay the exams.

And talking of exams, these days we'll also take the rest of the tasks as follows:

  • Monday 12th: Reading.
  • Wednesday 14th: Listening.
  • Monday 19th: Writing.
Finally, remember to relax, do great and enjoy. Good luck to everyone!